What is Your Philosophy of Practice?

We believe that the development of a congruent philosophy of practice is one of the most important parts of becoming a competent and effective practitioner BUT… it’s one of the worst taught concepts in our field.

Often trainees are left alone to find the answer to this question and at first we try and ‘fill the void’ by reading books and journals – praying that the answer is in there somewhere (it isn’t!).

“I am a person-centred practitioner, who adopts a client-led approach, and delivers holistic support……” excellent, but that’s not your philosophy…

When our literature (inevitably) fails us, we try and provide a complex answer (to what is actually a relatively simple question…) in the hope that we stumble across something that might resemble a philosophy (or simply create the perception of awareness!).

“I align myself to a constructivism ontological position….” please (please!) stop that now!!

At M-A-P, we believe we can cut through the noise surrounding this topic and provide clarity.

Two weeks from today we will be facilitating a session on this very topic: “Demystifying the Development of a Philosophy of Practice”

If you are interested in joining our CPD programme (The Evolving Sport Psychologist) there are still some places available – contact us for the details.